Tuesday, October 12, 2010

history of Al Qaeda continued.

On February 22, 1998 Osama called attack on American citizens, which in my opinion I believe most of terrorized many people. After the announcement made by Osama on October 12, 2000 two suicide bombers who were suspected to be involved with Osama attacked the Navy destroyer killing 17 sailers. On June 19, 2001 Osama released a taped message in which many believe that the World Trade Center attacks were triggered. By august 2001 Osama threatened an attack on the U.S and as we all may know he was speaking with the truth. On the unforgettable day that all us Americans will alway have in our memory, the World Trade Center, Pennsylvania, and Washington were attacked by hijacked planes of suicide bombers that were part of Al Qaeda. after two years one of the master minds of the September 11 attacks was arrested on March 1, 2003, his name was Khalid Shaikh Mohammed. On march 2003 the United States attacked Iraq, a few days later president George W. Bush declared major combat in iraq.


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