Friday, November 26, 2010

racism against Middle Eastern people because of terrorism

The largest group of immigrants that are coming to the United States are been discriminated because of Terrorism. This Group of people would be known as middle eastern. Daniel Pipes author of "militant Islam Reaches America" points out that any person that could be afiliated to counter-terrorism in the United States would have to be related to any middle eastern country that is related to militant activity.Arabs stereotype in America by the media has been that they are uncivilized rulers of kingdoms, oil millionares buying up the United States, and white slavers. Palestines have been depicted as terrorists and have suffereed of being called many derogatory names. If we may notice around late 1980's and in the 1990's violence and terrorism in the middle Eastern caused Hollywood to add more violence in the Arab stereo-type. In the movies Arab men were seen as abductors of western women, anti-American, greedy, and Oil rich. Especially after the attacks of Al qaeda against the United States many Americans believe that anybody who looks like they are from a Middle Eastern country are terrorists. Many people have started taking action to make this discrimination against middle eastern people stop.Several organizations such as the Association Of Arab American University Graduates, and scholars have published papers on the topic. Hopefully these things will make a difference for middle Eastern children.


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